What's so scary about BDSM?

  • Aug.18, 2023 10:07:04

Whats so scary about BDSM?


With BDSM definitely paving its way in popular culture, more and more people are interested in kinky fun. From the fur coats of pop stars like Rihanna and Lady Gaga, to a growing number of fictions that focus on every aspect of their sexuality, BDSM has become a topic of curiosity and discussion. Unfortunately, the information presented in the aforementioned books and movies is often far from relevant. We all remember the news stories about couples getting hurt during sex inspired by one of the Fifty Shades of Grey movies. Most people get their knowledge about BDSM culture from similar movies and books without exploring the topic further. Not surprisingly, much of this knowledge and facts are based on prejudice and gossip. What's more, some of us are even horrified by any single thought related to BDSM because it's sinful, wrong, sick, weird, too crazy, too provocative... You can go on this list.


So, what's so scary about BDSM and how to get over it? How to deal with all the insecurities and potential problems?




First, don't feel ashamed or disgusted that you want to try and experience kinky things. Don't hate yourself for being a freak and enjoying dirty and rough sex. Let’s be honest, most people have these wacky fantasies, but unfortunately, they dare not live out their dreams. Even a seemingly innocent spanking is already a sign that a person might want more. However, it is important to remember that a sexual relationship is closely dependent on the relationship between the partners. 


So, the first piece of advice is to take it easy. Listen to yourself and admit honestly that there is nothing wrong with giving some new sexuality opportunities in your life. Novelty and experimentation are key elements for a healthy and happy life in every field. So, being honest with yourself and your partner is the best thing you can do in this situation.


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Trust and Dialogue

These two things are the foundation of a successful, enjoyable and enjoyable BDSM practice. Not your body, a specific sex toy, or that motivational video you might want to watch on repeat with your partner. In fact, discussing in detail what you want to do and how to do it is a must. During this conversation, you set all the limits and boundaries, make sure your partner is comfortable with all your fantasies, and finally, talk about your role. In this way, two or more people can see that they are ready and willing to embrace this new practice and will do everything possible to limit and prevent any possible risk or damage.




Being safe and healthy means more than exercising and going to the gym. As already mentioned, you have to make sure your partner doesn't take advantage of you or do anything prohibited during the session. The difference between BDSM and abuse is as vast as the difference between everyday spontaneous behavior and BDSM. Having detailed discussions before and after a BDSM session will help you learn more about your partner and learn about his or her likes, likes, dislikes, and even the most secret wishes. At the same time, a safe meeting will help you please each other and make the experience enjoyable for both of you.




Last but not least, self-education is another requirement when considering trying BDSM. Even simple rope play can be dangerous for your partner if you tie it the wrong way. Therefore, you should be careful with each other and be ready for new experiences. It's never too late to try BDSM, but it might be if you don't prepare ahead of time. Fortunately, there is now a wealth of information that can help you improve your experimental knowledge and skills. For example, you can find more useful information in one of Daluse blogs: What the hell is the mysterious BDSM world?


Even though BDSM may not seem to be for everyone, almost everyone is more than willing to try something new, tantalizing, and exciting. Then, with proper preparation, you can explore the thrilling, unknown, and mysterious world of BDSM.

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